Monday, October 24, 2016

The Magic Wigwam

This is a painting based on the story of the Magic Wigwam as told by Fred Tomah. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Truckers Prayer Acrylic Painting to Benefit Max Hogan

I recently painted this 34x41 acrylic painting to raffle off to benefit a truck driver who is being treated for cancer.  
This guy had drove for me years ago and is a pretty good friend so it wasn't too difficult to come up with ideas for this image.  Of course I would use his truck to connect him, an eagle where he is native.   The landscape I chose was Mt Katahdin, in this area of Maine it is a major landmark and would make a connection with the area.
 I spent about a week pondering worrying and planning until finally the canvas was ready and late one night I decided go for it.  The next morning the painting was complete.
I had the idea of what to add but no real defined plan, once the paint hit the canvas it worked itself out.  

The painting was raffled and was a complete success, the winner chose to give the painting back to Max which I was happy about.